Cu spam

Da, ştiu, o să atrag şi mai mulţi spammeri cu chestia asta. Do not care. Akismet is there for you, bitches.

Mie-mi chiar plac spamerii, mestecă limba engleză într-un hal fără de hal, construind nişte excursii ieşiri în absurd de toată frumuseţea. Să vedem şi nişte exemple:

Every body remembers that life is not very cheap, but people need money for various stuff and not every person earns enough money. Thus to get some mortgage loans and collateral loan would be a proper way out.

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I need to know exactly what Marcella will do with that!!!

knowing this we can truly be top of the ahead!

Ok now this is kinda not only weird, but still plenty of weirdness after of reasons for it.

Jordan ROCKS???

Really nice post.Using these informative tips everyone can make our user to feel free & safe to post a comment on the post.his will be definitilly helpfull to getting more traffic to our blog.& thies make our blog user interactive.Thanks again for such a nice post.Plz keep it up.

This blog could be better using links shortener (the irony: In Response To: Spamul nostru cel de toate zilele)

buna ,sper sa nu fiu offtopic dar parerea mea este ca ar trebui sa ei in considerare si varianta in care nu ai dreptate legat de subiectul acesta delicat  (la o însemnare cu amintiri, unde nu e deloc cazul să am sau nu dreptate)

Engrish motherfucker, do you speake it?

Castitatea online
Toţi trăiam într-un galben submarin

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