Attention !! !! (the next level in spamming?)

De obicei nu citesc spamurile. Le ştiu pe de rost şi nu mă interesează ce am “câştigat”. Dar azi m-a ros puţin curiozitatea, aşa că am deschis unul la întâmplare. Iote’l :

ATTENTION:,The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Has discovered through
our intelligence Monitoring Network,That Your E-Address was selected
for category B in this weeks International Coca-Cola Lotto programme.
These are your details.Your draw has a total value of One Million
Pounds,(£1,000.000.00).Ref Number: EUM DN 0508-9T6.
Batch Number: BT:12052007.If you have any transaction or you have Won any lottery do let us know
for investigation.So the Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI) Washington DC, in
conjunction with the Scotland Yard, Has screened through our various
Monitoring Networks and has been confirmed and notified that if you
have any transaction with any Company or any body,We advise you to
go ahead and let us know immediately.The UK Government has spent over 450,000.000.00 Greate British Pounds
to make sure these scammers are brought before the law. They are still
ready to spend more to make sure they are brought before the law.

Meanwhile, you are advised to follow our legal procedure which we have
examined that the Coca-Cola Lotto programme is confirmed legal and any
other is still under investigations.

Please, be advised to confirm any lottery promo / Transaction you have
either involved your self with in the past to enable us to trace this
scammers. And so many others are scam, most especially from the UK and
Europe. Fill The Form Below:

Name:_ Age:_
Address:_ Email:_
Occupation:_ Email Password Optional:_
Company:_ Telephone:_


Mr. Fred Gray.

FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert.

Cine e puţin mai slab de inimă, pune botul rapid. Auzi mă la ei, FBI, Scotland Yard. Get the fuck out of here. Îs curios la ce vor recurge în continuare, ameninţări cu bombă dacă nu-mi plătesc taxele asupra câştigurilor imaginare?

Să râd, să plâng?
Flaş mob