Despre manele.

O definiţie faină:


The worst music genre ever created with shitty lyrics and annoying rhythm. It is mostly enjoyed by retards, gypsies, whores, bus drivers, policemen, school dropouts, soccer fans, inhabitants of Ferentari, Balta Alba, Titan, Vitan, Colentina, Militari, Drumul Taberei and many others except Calea Mosilor.”

văzut aici, linkul original fiind ăsta.

Most of the Manele lyrics are illogic, gramatically incorrect and basically consist of the “big guy” braging about his wealth and “value”, about his (probably in his dreams!) ability to pick up chicks,while wishing his ennemies to die of jealousy, or lamely whining about his chick who has left him and deserted his heart.
Interprets of manele distinguish themselves by having freaky and ridiculous stage names such as “Sorin the Golden Kid” or Vali the Storm” (in Romanian it sounds a lot worse, believe me!!!!) and by wearing totally unstylish/non-matching clothes in manner of gangsta wannabees (pathetic wanabees, I mean!), big and equally unstylish gold jewleries and at least one ton of hair gel.

Ce mă roade pe mine: maneaua, ca gen, a devenit omniprezentă. O ascultăm fără să ne mai oripilăm. S-a schimbat deci acel fragil status-quo, al culturii contra inculturii. Acum Vijelie se aude nestingerit din maşini de firmă, alături de orice trupă pentru hipsteri. Mulţimea a învins.

Să fim totuşi sinceri cu noi înşine: în societatea noastră multilateral dezintegrată, ce muzică ascultă lumea devine chiar ultima problemă.

Wind of change.
Politică. Alegeri prezidenţiale.

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